More Schiphol humour
Yes, a person speaking another language could have confused these two words, but it’s still funny. OH stands for ‘overheard’ and NS refers to the Dutch railways who are having a terrible winter so far.
Yes, a person speaking another language could have confused these two words, but it’s still funny. OH stands for ‘overheard’ and NS refers to the Dutch railways who are having a terrible winter so far.
Another wonderful sign at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, the home of Dunglish.
I know this video was made with enthusiasm, Alex, it was a good video. Finally having the world’s biggest passenger plane, an Airbus A380, land at Schiphol airport is a big deal in aviation. However, you really need to brush up on your English and ideally your pronunciation. The first bit of music was very cool by the way.
All Alex needed to do was to record his enthusiasm in Dutch and put subtitles on it. I would have enjoyed this video more in Dutch, especially that smooth r in Polderbaan.
I like the plural of feet = feets (foot, feet)
‘testing their photographic gears’ = another interesting plural
‘wild parking’ = parking all over the place, willy nilly, illegally
This plane is apparently male! (here he is!)
Oh dear, he can’t abbreviationabbreviate kilograms either – it’s kg internationally
He says dockED and not DOCKED, a rookie mistake
‘Later on the evening’ = later IN the evening, another rookie mistake
(Thanks Roel!)
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