Tag: excess


Six strikes

Filed under: — Natashka @ 8:29 am

There’s a wind of conservatism and a reaffirming of Christianity blowing over The Netherlands these days. It comes in the form of more Christian political parties in the government, but also the amateur Christian girl group, X6. I’ve never heard them, I know it’s not for me and the talent show they are part of is just another reality show that won’t change the world.

However, the name ‘X6’ is a piece of Dunglish. It is meant as ‘excess’, but cannot be read as such in English (‘exsix’) or even in Dutch for that matter (‘exzes’). And for those who missed that lesson, here is what the word excess should sound like in plain English. The perfume XS by Paco Rabanne got it right.

(Tip: Nils)

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