No people no ‘prophet’

bling dollar sign

Oooh thanks to Robin over at Dutchnews for a perfect what I call VBDK (Voor bij de koffie – to go with your coffee) Dunglishy musical interlude by no one other than George Baker (aka Hans Bouwens) of the famous George Baker Selection who sang “Little Green Bag” back in 1969.

The story: Consortium seeks support through website

Too many people gonna lose their jobs
Too many dreams will go down the drain
So we will stand up, and scream out to the world
The message that we have today

No people no profit

I’ll let you all rant about this one over coffee.

(Tip: Robin)

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2 Responses to “No people no ‘prophet’”

  1. Larry says:

    Don’t really see what’s so terrible about it, aside from the hijacking of an overplayed song, the awkward scansion and and the far from uncommon misinterpretation of the original’s title. The lyrics don’t seem particularly Dunglishy.

  2. Natashka says:

    True, but I couldn’t just sit on this, I had to post it somewhere!

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