Scary stuff

Scary film night

Being a James Bond fan, I finally went to see Casino Royale in Haarlem and for the occasion, I splurged on some popcorn. Here is what I found on the popcorn box.

It’s close to English, but it’s in poor Dunglish taste. They even registered the word (yes, that’s right, one word – should be two) ‘scaryshit’ as a trademark! Not convinced it’s a bad idea?

Imagine products with ‘coolshit’, ‘funshit’ and the likes… Dutch products… Dumbing down anyone?

This is a case where swearing in a foreign language is considered less offensive than in your own. Although their event sounds great, the use of bad language puts me off. This is again proof that Dunglish – no matter how shitty – seems to sell better than Dutch to Dutch people. That’s scary.

4 Responses to “Scary stuff”

  1. Els says:

    Was de plofmaïs wel lekker?

  2. Natashka says:

    Oui, le maïs soufflé était très bon 🙂

  3. Larry says:

    Imagine products with ‘coolshit’, ‘funshit’ and the likes

    Dumbing down + unstoppable drive to use needless/nonsensical English + oddly frivolous Dutch attitude to toilet-related matters = sooner or later, some kind of frivolous bathroom product promoting ‘funshitten’

    (cf. ‘funshoppen’)

  4. Florian says:

    I found your blog via google by accident and have to admit that youve a really interesting blog 🙂
    Just saved your feed in my reader, have a nice day 🙂

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