Birthday blues

Happy Birthday

Yesterday I went to the store to buy some food. There was a cute little blond girl sitting in her daddy’s shopping cart with a paper crown on her head. As they were heading towards the cash register, the little girl starting singing a familiar American song: “Happy verjaardag to you, Happy verjaardag to you!” Yup, ‘verjaardag’ is Dutch for ‘birthday’. I know two Dutch birthday songs, one is “Er is er een jarig” (roughly, “It’s someone’s birthday here”, and the other one is “Lang zal ze leven” (roughly, “Long shall he/she live”. They are both very catchy, I assure you.

5 Responses to “Birthday blues”

  1. bram says:

    Nr.3 : “O, wat zijn wij heden blij …”

  2. delphicat says:

    Nr.4: “Tweeeeeee violen en een trommel en een fluit…”

  3. Natashka says:


  4. delphicat says:

    Just wondering, as you call “Happy birthday to you” an American birthday song, what is sung on birthdays in Britain? Or maybe nothing is sung?

  5. Natashka says:

    I know they sing Happy birthday to you, I do not know what else they sing.
    “The melody of “Happy Birthday to You” was written by American sisters Patty and Mildred Hill in 1893 when they were school teachers in Louisville, Kentucky.”

    I also know another American one (need to look it up):

    It’s your birthday, the day you were born
    It’s your birthday, the day you were born
    And it happens every year and we always give a cheer
    It’s your birthday, the day you were born.

    In France, there is “Bon annivesaire, nos voeux les plus sincères”, etc.
    In French-speaking Canada, they have “Bonne fête à toi, etc.”, amongst others.

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