The tiger and the peacock

Having taken a tour of some outdoor market, Piet stumbled upon this well-crafted sign. Allow me to demystify: “original Indian Tiger Balm”. First, Tiger Balm is originally from China, something I knew because I’ve used this stuff for headaches. Sure, the flying peacock brand is probably from India, but then it’s not Tiger Balm. Basically, three out of the four Dutch words are misspelt. You could easily argue it’s just bad Dutch, although two words lean towards English: India and ‘balmsem’. The latter is an inventive way of expressing either ‘balm’ (English) or ‘balsem’ (Dutch). My head hurts.
(Photo: Piet)
November 16th, 2005 at 10:07 pm
…om nog maar niet te beginnen over het onjuiste spatiegebruik in ‘tijger balsem’! π
November 17th, 2005 at 10:49 am
Nee, nee balmsem π
November 17th, 2005 at 11:01 am
Origineel is ‘t in elk geval wel π