Don’t try this on holiday!

These travel tips were translated into 11 European languages using Dutch as a source language. As for “Rum begging” (?!)(cockney?), well it’s suppose to be a translation of… let me look it up… “Gaan we raar praten?” (We’re going to talk funny now, aren’t we?)(still not great, I know). This travel guide bites big time. As for being macho (or boring, really), this is probably as good as it gets by Dutch standards.



6 Responses to “Don’t try this on holiday!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    …oooo bit me! sure do like the one about the sand…interesting, could you tell me the name of the book please?

    by the way you really keep yourself busy Natashka, cheers 🙂

  2. Natashka says:

    It was actually a guide that you hold in your hand and spread out like a fan, a bit like a Pantone colour chart. It was given out as part of a sample pack of products last year. There’s more where this came from 🙂

  3. Eric says:

    164! 168…

  4. bram says:

    ‘rum’ is ‘kamer’ in Swedish, so perhaps 165. Room begging? (considering it’s a travel guide)
    Can you check the 165 in one of the other languages….

  5. Serge says:

    Yeah, go ahead, 162.

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