Menu madness

This restaurant made me smile. There are things on the menu I can’t even decode, like “spiced bread”. The “dragon sauce” is a classic, especially for anyone who does not read Dutch (dragon = tarragon). I cannot help but point out all those apostrophes.

5 Responses to “Menu madness”

  1. bram says:

    Gezien het Nederlandse menu wordt onder “spiced bread” gekruid witbrood verstaan.
    Ik ken dat niet als een “officiële” culinaire term en al helemaal niet hoe je dat
    in het Engels zou moeten vertalen.
    Het beste is om dit prikkelende soepje maar eens te bestellen. 😉

  2. Natashka says:

    Bread with oregano would be nice 🙂

  3. Michael Adams says:

    Their cheese is expensive (feta cheese € 51.50 extra), one of their salads is “meat on a
    skewer” and you can have “toping” on your pancakes. What sort of customers do they attract?

  4. Jan! says:

    Small typo there, Natashka: “all those apostrophes” should of course be “all tho’s apostrophes”.

  5. William says:

    Wow. Spiced bread. That’s meant to be Space Bread y’know. The tourists shouldn’t have to eat cake if they don’t want to. We’re tolerant..

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