In work and written we trust

Job description

I read this and I just keep shaking my head. How can you possibly require something that you can’t even make clear yourself? I mean, can these people actually judge if you’re qualified or not? Go ahead and tell me this huge corporation has no money, time or competent people left. And is it me or are they looking for someone highly competent with a high school diploma?

I used to have a Dutch boss that would ‘correct’ my English just because he had to put his stamp on my work. Sure, sometimes he caught a few things, that’s normal, but he shortened all my sentences, so that it looked like telegraph writing (acceptable in Dutch I am told), but in English looks like learner’s English. He added hyphens everywhere for no reason and stuck series of three words together, making them look like a car pile up.

As for this job advert, the disease of putting semicolons in a list, please stop. Only do this in a legal contract, but for the love of literacy, stop doing it in other texts. And the rest is scary.


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4 Responses to “In work and written we trust”

  1. AJ says:

    OGFM I totally get this. All of it. Even the semicolons.

  2. AJ says:

    I meant OMFG. I cannot even spell acronyms. *sigh*

  3. Jay Vos says:

    Every employee in that company (especially in the HR dept.) should have a copy of Strunk & White’s Elements of Style. I still refer to my copy and often pass it on to new English language learners. It’s my bible of all English language bibles!

  4. Márcia W. says:

    My VHAOC- very high awareness of confidentiality – prevents my making comments

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