Beat my worst


I’m shaking my head and saying ‘Oh my God’! A Dutch company came up with a sausage called Beat It to help stop hunger on the way home from work or after the gym. I have so many problems with this name:

It reminds me of Michael Jackson
It sound so rude! I mean, beating, sausage — OMG!
I can’t imagine an Anglo-Saxon company seriously putting a sausage on the market with this name.

And guess what? They have plans for a second sausage called B-Strong that will give you energy. That’s not as bad, but I’m not sure. B-Strong or Beat It!

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6 Responses to “Beat my worst”

  1. Larry says:

    ‘Slim Jim’ is not that great of a name for a meat product either, come to think of it.

    You mean an ‘English-speaking’ company. No companies are Anglo-Saxon.

  2. Eric says:

    En zodra ‘t worstje z’n uiterste-houdbaarheidsdatum overschrijdt, verandert de naam in “Bad” ? :-S

  3. Natashka says:

    I didn’t want to say English-speaking because tons of Dutch companies are now English-speaking…

  4. Larry says:

    Eric: ‘t zou me niet verbazen als dat worstje ook over tijd steeds van vorm en kleur verandert …

  5. Natashka says:

    Vica of website wrote me and said (as my spam catcher may have blocked the posting):

    I miss Holland and remember about dunglish. I was studying nederlands last year as part of the inburgering cursus, and finally understood the meaning of a statement in an article about Dunglish found in my campus’s magazine. I was curious he with this statement “I hate you all welcome”,the magz didn’t provide the meaning. Then in the cursus, I learnt about the “heten” verb, told the lecturer then we have a real good laugh. From then, I was trying to find all about this funny Dunglish.

  6. DaVince says:

    Hey, at least it’s better than some Finnish product called “Super Piss”… 😛

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