![bath mat](
I just spent part of the morning checking words to see if they should be written with or without spaces in English, so I’d be lying if I said I knew the rules about it. I rely on my instinct. Sometimes, two answers are right.
At the DIY store
Woman: Oh look dear, a nice bath mat for the bathroom! Do you like this one?
Man: Geez woman, can’t we just get a shower mat instead? I mean, look at the price!
Woman: I think it’s nice, written in English and all. Very chic.
Man, shaking his head: I should have never agreed to put in that bathtub in the first place…
Woman: You should be happy I didn’t convince you to install that hot tub I’ve always wanted!
(Photo: Erik)
October 13th, 2006 at 9:26 pm
It may be that two words are merging into one (‘bathmat’ seems to be pretty common on UK sites, although I don’t think the English-speaking world is ready for ‘toiletmat’ just yet).
However, I have to question the necessity of a bath mat that says BATHMAT (or even BATH MAT) right on the mat itself. Why? So we don’t mistake it for a big fuzzy rectangular pancake?
October 13th, 2006 at 10:04 pm
Doet me denken aan Batman. Waarom heeft hij geen streepje en Spider-man wel?
October 14th, 2006 at 1:40 pm
There isn’t a hyphen in Spiderman in EN. Dutch spelling rules are utterly confusing even to the Dutch, toch? 🙂
October 14th, 2006 at 1:40 pm
People, EUR 20 for a bath mat? Come on!
October 14th, 2006 at 4:34 pm
The Amazing Spider-Man ken ik alleen in het EN, met streepje. Zie ook
Misschien is Batman wel een superhero en Spider-Man een super-hero.
October 15th, 2006 at 11:39 am
Film is inderdaad Spider-man… Ik had ooit comic books met Spiderman, maar ik geef je gelijk. En dan Superman is een woord weer… Wonder Woman is twee… ach…