Marked market

Many sites like this one feature a whole range of translations, often for the illogical reason of the more languages you use, the bigger your audience will be. I have to say this site is very useful, but I do use it in Dutch.

Some highlights:
“Dutch salesman have a lot of laughter and fun! They are friendly and polite, just ask for your question and they help you in so many ways.”

“Do not hassletate to visit the Dutch markets whenever you come to Holland in Europe, just come and see us!”
Wow, a new verb, hassletate! Where hesitate meets hassle.

6 Responses to “Marked market”

  1. Larry says:

    hassletate (vb) : 1 to vacillate in a hectoring manner; 2 to pester uncertainly or reluctantly

  2. René says:

    Ha… Delft!

  3. Natashka says:

    Well, well. I was asked to point out possible corrections, remove the picture and told I said nothing nice about this site. Whatever.

  4. René says:

    Sounds like the kind of comments I get on the examples on! Well, you removed the picture (bye bye Delft!)… did you also point out possible corrections? 😉

  5. Natashka says:

    😉 That’s like asking me to run my business for free.

    If people around the world can see what they put on their site, why am I the one making them look silly?


  6. mike says:

    Hassel the Hoff niet!
    (Especially in Hasselt.)

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