The old switcheroo

I was staring at this in the car waiting for a red light in the passenger’s seat when I realised I had to grab my camera. Besides being Dunglish, something I would not expect from a bank, it almost looks like it is trying to say the opposite of what it means. Rabo Proof (Rabo is a bank, the Rabobank, which sounds like ‘rob a bank’ to some English speakers), means that your mortgage is protected AGAINST the Rabobank. The campaign is to test your current mortgage to see if it is Rabo Proof, which is very aggressive by Dutch standards. I find it Rabobank repellent.
September 26th, 2005 at 9:47 am
Ik zat me de afgelopen weken precies hetzelfde af te vragen. Je vraagt je dan af of er bij de Rabo dan geen mensen zijn die wat harder over dit soort dingen nadenken.
Blijkbaar niet want deze bank heeft ook al besloten dat het zinnig is geld te investeren in Talpa – ik geloof dat het tijd wordt dat ik de SNS een bezoekje ga brengen.
September 26th, 2005 at 11:09 am
Investeren in Talpa, dat zegt al genoeg 🙂
October 3rd, 2005 at 7:44 pm
…waiting for a red light in the passenger seat…? Is there something I haven’t noticed in taxis?
October 3rd, 2005 at 8:30 pm
Who says I was in a taxi? I was in Friesland 😉
October 17th, 2005 at 3:01 pm
Ik werk dus voor de Rabobank… wij hebben de mensen van Communicatie proberen te vertellen
dat ‘proof’ betekent ‘bestand tegen’. Niemand die ernaar luisterde…
Er werken voornamelijk autisten op die afdeling.
October 17th, 2005 at 4:26 pm
Ik zou zeggen: Nederlands gebruiken. Die irritante blauwe leeuwen ben ik ook zat 🙂
March 28th, 2008 at 3:22 pm
Were you waiting for a red light (to come into) the passenger seat?
MMMmmmmmm, maybe you should re-evaluate your English as well as Dunglish.:-)
BTW I just stumbled on this forum…website, whatever.
Having a good old giggle at this new Dutch. Being a Dutchborn Australian, I am watching with interest to see what will happen to my native tongue…will it survive the onslaught of English?
I guess just as French,Spanish, German etc have become an integral part of the language over the years, so will English continue to make inroads, or heaven forbid, overtake it?
Enjoy the journey…as you are already!