Clash of the Titan

This website has a certain dislexic quality to it as well as its very own style of Dunglish. Letters tend to fall away like autumn leaves from trees, making some sentences look like graffiti. “Any form of republication”, “in counsulation with you” and “restrictly forbidden” can all be admired on the disclaimer page. The disclaimer also invites us to point out any mistakes, as they claim to have used “the most care and thought”. Don’t change a thing!

9 Responses to “Clash of the Titan”

  1. GJ says:

    >> Letters tends to fall away like autumn leaves from trees

    Looks like one of them fell right here into your own text. 😀

  2. Natashka says:

    You’re right. More coffee and thanks!

  3. Larry says:

    We work rightaway, volgens afspraak, betrouwbaar en bieden onze klanten een goede service, ook na de oplevering

    That is good om te weten!

  4. Anonymous doughboy says:

    The disclaimer also invites us to point out any mistakes, as they claim to have use “the most care and thought”.

    Do they claim to have or claim to use?

    (More coffee!)

  5. Natashka says:

    To have used, but they changed their site! Oh oh.

  6. Natashka says:

    Oops, wrong site. Less coffee!

  7. Serge says:

    “We can handle even the most complicated oders” — Dat is ook goed om te weten. Moeten ze even bij mij langskomen want er heerst een ingewikkelde geur rond het toilet.

  8. Serge says:

    “Muff welding” (What We Do, page 2). This requires further explanation. It doesn’t sound at all safe, nor very pleasurable.

  9. G says: -> at least they got it right in the filename 🙂

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